Latest Web Design SEO Tips and Techniques

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Latest Web Design SEO Tips and Techniques

Steps For SEO:
1) Prepare The Keywords List : Target the most frequently used keywords on your page. Begin with around 10 keywords. Also use combinations of keywords for example: If your site sells video games and game systems, a good keyword phrase would be: video games and game systems or video game systems. Optimizing the word video games would be pointless because the competition would be so huge most websites will not be found in the search results. Most searches made by internet users contain keyword phrases instead of just one keyword. To decide upon the keywords for which the site will be targeted take help from google adwords, overture or wordtracker.

2) Edit Meta Tag : Meta title, meta description tag and meta keyword tag. Use the keywords from your keyword list. The title should contain no more than 10 or 12 words, the description meta tag should contain no more than 150 characters. and the keyword meta tag should contain no more than 200 characters. Insert the keywords into the title starting with your three main keywords, keep in mind the number of words used, try to stay under 10 or 12. Next, edit your meta description tag using the same keywords, location of each word is crucial. Try to keep the title and meta description as similar as possible, not completely duplicated but as close as possible. This will greatly improve your search engine rankings. Stop words are also a factor than can affect rankings. Words such as: the, and, is, in, are, etc. are words that should not be used if at all possible. Removal of stop words is a guarantee of higher search engine placement. The location of your keywords in the title and meta tags will also affect your placement.

3) Use keywords as links on your page, referring back to video games as an example, when editing your page use text such as video games, game systems and so on as links as close to the beginning of the page as possible. Keep in mind search engines read a page header first, then starting on the top left reading down the left side, after reaching the bottom of the page the content is read from the center of the page to the bottom. Then the right side of the page is read ending with the footer.

4) Keyword placement : It is essential that all of your keywords are at the beginning and the end of your webpage. Keywords need to be placed in the first 50 words of a webpage. Keywords also need to be placed into the last 50 words on the page. Start with the header of your webpage, use keywords there first. Then place keywords on the left side of your page. Try not to repeat keywords, and do not stuff images with keywords. One keyword per image. Whenever possible use anchor text instead of images. To place keywords at the end of the page, use keywords in the footer and on the right side of the page. Remember how search engines read a page, header first, then top left reading down, center text reading down, top right reading down and footer last. If these 4 steps are followed exactly you can guarantee yourself excellent search engine placement even #1 on Google.

5)Put google analytics : Make account in google analytics for tracking the traffic for the site and include the tracking code in all the pages just before </body> tag.

6)Site Submission : After site is made online go for search engine and directory submission.

7)Rank Checking : After 6-8 weeks check the keywords ranking in different search engines.

8)Report Send to client :Mail the ranking reports to all concerned.

Steps :

Onpage Optimization

1.Edit Title : With in <head> Tag

<title>Website Designing Kolkata, Website Designing, Software Development in Kolkata,
Web Hosting in Kolkata, Web Hosting in India, Software Development India</title>

2.Edit Meta Keyword : With in <head> Tag

<meta name="Keywords" content=" Website Designing Kolkata, Website Designing, Software Development in Kolkata, Web Hosting in Kolkata, Web Hosting in India, Software Development India” />

3.Edit Meta Keyword Description : With in <head> Tag

<meta name="Description" content=" Website Designing Kolkata, Website Designing, Software Development in Kolkata, Web Hosting in Kolkata, Web Hosting in India, Software Development India” />

4.Put Google, Yahoo & Msn Verification code : With in <head> Tag

<meta name="verify-v1" content="Jxf1c6PJgaopVlRHvWdatVsJ9TpYTZXfYuyT44pm8js=" />
<meta name="y_key" content="fd8a375ba5f7c3c5" />

5.Put Alt tag to all images :

<img src="images/pic_5.gif" alt="Micro Business Maintenance” />

6.Put Google Analytics code: Before ending <body> tag

<script type="text/javascript">
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "'
<script type="text/javascript">
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-381022-4");
function Image12_onclick() {
function IMG1_onclick() {

7.Create xml sitemap : Create xml sitemap for your site free from

8. Submit the site url in Google, yahoo & msn :
After uploading the site, submit the site into Google, Yahoo & Msn

  1. Google Submission
  2. Yahoo Submission : 
  3. Msn Submission :
2. Verify xml sitemap into Google & yahoo.
Define Webpage Resolution
This code is used to define resolution of any webpage. You need to copy the below code and paste into your webpage you want to define.

Code :
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
var correctwidth=1024
var correctheight=768
if (screen.width!=correctwidth
document.write("This webpage is best viewed with screen resolution "+correctwidth+"*"+correctheight+". Your current resolution is "+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+".")
Helpful Web Sites for Web Designers :

Resource Description URL
While not currently being updated, this
is a fantastic resource for interesting
articles, CSS tests, and other
Web-related fun from Todd Fahrner
A List Apart
Founded by Jeffrey Zeldman, A List
Apart is a cutting-edge magazine filled
with tutorials and information for the
standards-oriented designer and
C|NETs entry for Web developers
targets information on just about every
aspect of Web design, and includes
vast resources, links, and great articles
Eric A. Meyer provides excellent
examples and explanations of

cutting-edge CSS design
This site lists Netscape’s developer
resources. See the CSS Central area, in
particular /css/
An intriguing development over the past several years has been the move
away from table-based design to transitional designs using lighter tables
and CSS, or out-and-out pure CSS layouts.

CSS ultimately frees the designer by providing much richer and more diverse
means of presenting and deliv
ering designs to various media including, but not
limited to, the following:

  • Screen
  • Print
  • Projection
  • Audio
  • Braille
  • Television

But page layout with CSS is in relatively early days yet, so designers need a lot of
additional information to work with their layouts effectively.

CSS Layout Basics

Several terms and concepts are referred to throughout this chapter, so it’s good to
let you know them up front:

  • Box Model - Any HTML or XHTML element creates a box, and you can use CSS to access and style aspects of that box, including margins, padding, and borders. There are problems in Box Model
  • Implementations—which is one of the reasons that CSS layouts require so much attention to detail and often require hacks to ensure proper cross-browser display.
  • Graceful degradation- This is the concept that when styles are removed from a design, the actual text content is still available and easily accessed, even if all the visual layout and design elements are gone.
  • Hack - A hack is any use of code outside its original, intended purpose.
  • Workaround - A workaround is typically an exploitation of a bug within a browser allowing you to bypass support problems. Hacks and workarounds are very similar, and there’s always dissent as to whether a hack is a hack, a workaround, or a technique.
  • Positioning - In CSS, you can position element boxes either absolutely, via specific coordinates, or relatively, in relation to other elements. You can create complete layouts with absolute positioning, as is sometimes called for.
  • Floats - Floats in CSS are a means of floating something to the right or left. Intended mostly to float images, floating has become one form of laying out documents.
  • Filters - Filters in this context are a means of bypassing specific browsers while targeting others. Filters are really hacks, but the terminology is used to define specific hacks that are filtering specific browsers.
Example :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<title>Layout Content Right, Navigation Left</title>
<style type="text/css">
margin:0px 50px 50px 175px;

<div id="content">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In vestibulum estibulum elit. Ut porta. Duis vulputate bibendum tellus. Vivamus dictum egestas mi. Cras justo. Vestibulum nisl mauris, convallis a, vestibulum et, accumsan vel, lacus. Morbi mattis viverra turpis. Pellentesque blandit quam in sapien. Proin pellentesque, purus sit amet mollis sollicitudin, lacus leo rhoncus enim, nec vestibulum urna tellus at magna. Ut adipiscing.
Morbi ut sem non diam fringilla tincidunt. Maecenas nunc tellus, adipiscing eget, tincidunt ut, venenatis ut, enim. Sed posuere turpis at nisl. Sed at sem. Nullam sagittis tincidunt magna. Duis tempus. Proin dui turpis, consequat quis, porttitor ut, molestie vel, libero. Phasellus sodales venenatis urna.
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